Saturday, August 25, 2012


"Too Bad" No.2:

Here's to when it sucks 
and all you want to know is "why."

And then you find out.

And all you still want to know is "why?"

You're good, and you seem happy. I'm getting along and you seem happy.

It sucks, but not so much.
I'm getting along.

You haven't broken or even bruised my heart really. You were just window shopping and It was something pretty to look at, i knew that. You pulled it out of my chest and admired its beauty and Pointed out it's flaws. It was Cheap, but with reason and It didn't fit quite right, but you bought it anyway. You kept the receipt. you took it home, showed it your friends; your room; your bed. You took it to Moab and you told it about your parents and your brother and how you used to talk to your self, like actually cary out conversations. You told it about Your early years in college and those nights after Noah broke your heart and you just drove around and cried and cried. On the way back home you told it "i probably shouldn't have kissed you last night" and to wait till after i graduate high school And that was all okay. You even told it it was "The Shit," which was pretty awesome to hear.

 You stopped and listened too.
It Told you about it's parents and friends and how it hasn't really had anyone to talk to. it took you up to sliding rock and you kept it warm. It took you up the canyon to the lake where we both got sunburned as hell; i'm sure we fell asleep. It told you how much it sucks at relationship things and it kissed your neck way too much, but you stuck around a little longer.

Things we're good, but it still didn't quite fit and when you found something a little more your size, you put me in the shoe box in you bottom drawer next to the receipt and let me get dusty for 2 months.

 You finally returned me a bit 
worn and a little off beat; 
a little out of tune. 

I wasn't mad.

Just tired.

There was nothing really too even "break up,"

I understand.

And let alone to merit a response like this.

Your the closest i've come to having anything in a very long time.

I hope you understand.

I'm not going to ask why

I just hope he's good to you, i really do.

I know he is cause you wouldn't settle for less.

I just hope It meant as much to you as it did me.

And i hope you know how good you've been to me.

I really meant it when i said:

"I hope i see you around,"


"Keep in touch." 

And i hope you really meant it when you said:

"Yeah, for sure."



rejectverb |riˈjekt| [ trans. ]dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste :union negotiators rejected a 1.5 percent pay increase.• refuse to agree to (a request) an application to hold a pop concert at the club was rejected.• fail to show due affection or concern for (someone); rebuff she didn't want him to feel he had been rejected after his sister was born.• Medicine show an immune response to (a transplanted organ or tissue) so that it fails to survive.noun |ˈrēˌjekt|a person or thing dismissed as failing to meet standards or satisfy tastes some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships.DERIVATIVESrejectee |riˌjekˈtē; ˌrē-| nounrejection |riˈjek sh ən| nounrejective |riˈjektiv| adjective ( rare).rejector |-tər| nounORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin reject- ‘thrown back,’ from the verb reicere, from re- ‘back’ jacere ‘to throw.’


  1. Matt, this is beautiful.
    I wish I saw more of you.

    1. Thank you Eva,
      your great. You really,
      really are.
      It's been too,
      too long.
