Thursday, January 24, 2013




It's like that morning-after-some-terrible-thing-happened sadness.
Like I stayed up the whole night wandering the streets and the sun's coming up and I'm thinking, "where the fuck am I? I should call a cab, i've got to go home."
Nothing's happened though. There's a little part of me, inside, that's freaking out-- ready to jump. But I feel okay, all that boils up is a kind-of blankness. 
I don't want to sleep, I just want to talk. I'm the last one out the door of class and I always manage to say something ridiculous and stupid to the teacher, who i don't know why i think he would give a shit, but hoping to start a conversation of any kind. I'm never ready to just go home lately, I'm not ready to call it a day.
Even dropped by Spencer's on my way home to talk nothings. He was with a girl, said i could come up and i did, though i just should've just gone home. I kept saying "There was something really important i needed to tell you, i just can't remember. I'll text you if i think of it," trying to convince myself there really was something i had to tell him.
Now I'm just up far too late and I'm just... i don't know-- feeling better now that I'm getting some of it out, I guess. Not like a couple days ago though. Sorry about that, it was a strange, sad morning. I didn't really understand what i did until my friend at work told me how sad it was. I don't know if I miss her or if I miss not being alone. 

You should come over though. Sleep on my floor with me, i've got work early, but we can 
get coffee and i'll take you home. Yeah?


Thank you Ave.


  1. This thing happened today where I missed you so much I didn't know how to handle myself and I got hit with this awful nostalgia where I thought maybe some part of me was broken and I didn't know what to do, so I just kept going about my life and missing you and us and everyone and I hope you know that.

    1. Keep in touch, I'm a mile away.

      Come say Hi every now and then, even if it literally is just, "Hi."

      I miss; you, us, everyone, & beds.
