Wednesday, January 7, 2015


"I'm sorry about me":

Torture is having seen yourself at your best and having to deal constantly with yourself at less; feeling like you constantly need to live up to that and how exhausting that is; how you're constantly letting yourself down; how you feel the need to constantly apologize for yourself; feeling like a stranger in your own head; all your decisions are no longer between "right and wrong" but now between "wrong and hopefully less wrong".

I'm sorry, I'm a mess and you can't see it It's all you can see.

I am beautiful, I just don't know when or how.

Maybe you'll see it some day.

I hope you see it one day.



  1. WHAT THE.

    Team "I am beautiful, I just don't know how or when" (!!!!)

    You are the best and I hope all your enemies die.

  2. I just tumbled across your blog. This piece put everything I've felt these past couple months but couldn't express into words. What a relief to have read this. Thank You.

    1. Wow, you are very welcome.
      Thank you for this. What you've said means a lot and broke my heart in the best way.
      I'm sorry you understand how this feels,

      I'm curious as to how, specifically, you found me. Fill me in?

    2. I also can't believe I didn't see this till now, I'm sorry.
