Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Your Dark Wall.

A letter to the universe written in my phone late last night:

Let me know i've missed nothing because the idea that there is beauty beyond the horizons of my perspective breaks my heart. Let me know the limits of this word and myself.

I need to know there is an end, a place to lie down against your dark wall and take it all in.
There I will know that I've done all. There I will have seen and heard and felt all there is to see And hear and feel. I will have taken and given and said and shown everything I could. Breathed in all the the oxygen into my lungs and pumped all the blood throug my veins, my finger tips, and beyond. I will have connected every synaps and fired each and every nerve in my body, and from head to toe, from axon to dendrite. From every atom of every cell in my body, I will be everything. All I ever could and all I am. No Horizons.

There I will bask in my finity and finally allow my heart stop.


infinity |inˈfinitē|
.noun ( pl. -ties)the state or quality of being infinite the infinity of space.• an infinite or very great number or amount an infinity of excuses.• Mathematics a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞).• a point in space or time that is or seems infinitely distant the lawns stretched into infinity.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French infinite orLatin infinitas, from infinitus (see infinite ).


finite |ˈfīnīt|
.adjectivehaving limits or bounds every computer has a finite amount of memory.• not infinitely small one's chance of winning may be small, but it is finite.Grammar (of a verb form) having a specific tense, number, and person. Contrasted with nonfinite .DERIVATIVESfinitely adverbfiniteness nounfinity* ?ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin finitus‘finished,’ past participle of finire (see finish ).

*(My new word)



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