Sunday, April 8, 2012


We may not have solved anything, but at least i know That now. 

Maybe i've always known that. I feel its always been there, or maybe it's to hard to imagine that it was never there in the first place; I know i don't, I know i can't, and i know now how important that is.


In math there are no solutions that equal infinity. 

I mean there are these:

In real analysis, the symbol \infty, called "infinity", denotes an unbounded limitx \rightarrow \infty means that x grows without bound, and x \to -\infty means the value of x is decreasing without bound. If f(t) ≥ 0 for every t, then
  • \int_{a}^{b} \, f(t)\ dt \  = \infty means that f(t) does not bound a finite area from a to b
  • \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \, f(t)\ dt \  = \infty means that the area under f(t) is infinite.
  • \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \, f(t)\ dt \  = a means that the total area under f(t) is finite, and equals a
Infinity is also used to describe infinite series:
  • \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \, f(i) = a means that the sum of the infinite series converges to some real value a.
  • \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}  \, f(i) = \infty means that the sum of the infinite series diverges in the specific sense that the partial sums grow without bound.
Infinity is often used not only to define a limit but as a value in the affinely extended real number system. Points labeled +\infty and -\infty can be added to the topological space of the real numbers, producing the two-pointcompactification of the real numbers. Adding algebraic properties to this gives us the extended real numbers. We can also treat +\infty and -\infty as the same, leading to the one-point compactification of the real numbers, which is the real projective lineProjective geometry also introduces a line at infinity in plane geometry, and so forth for higher dimensions.


But those are all just different ways of saying X is infinite/Not finite/With out a limit.

Infinity = Infinity, That's all.

But what does it mean to have no limit? what is infinity?

Wikipedia says:

Infinity (symbol: ) refers to something without any limit, and is a concept relevant in a number of fields, predominantly mathematics and physics. Having a recognizable history in these disciplines reaching back into the time of ancient Greek civilization, the term in the English language derives from Latin infinitas, which is translated as "unboundedness".[1]
In mathematics, "infinity" is often treated as if it were a number (i.e., it counts or measures things: "an infinite number of terms") but it is not the same sort of number as the real numbers. In number systems incorporating infinitesimals, the reciprocal of an infinitesimal is an infinite number, i.e. a number greater than any real number. Georg Cantor formalized many ideas related to infinity and infinite sets during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the theory he developed, there are infinite sets of different sizes (called cardinalities).[2]For example, the set of integers is countably infinite, while the set of real numbers is uncountably infinite.

. says:


  [in-fuh-nit]  Show IPA
immeasurably great: an infinite capacity for forgiveness.
indefinitely or exceedingly great: infinite sums of money.
unlimited or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration oftime, etc.: the infinite nature of outer space.
unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless: God's infinitemercy.
Mathematics .
not finite.
(of a set) having elements that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with a subset that is not the givenset.


Dictionary widget says:

infinity |inˈfinitē|
.noun ( pl. -ties)the state or quality of being infinite the infinity of space.• an infinite or very great number or amount an infinity of excuses.• Mathematics a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞).• a point in space or time that is or seems infinitely distant the lawns stretched into infinity.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French infinite orLatin infinitas, from infinitus (see infinite ).
And even in the book House of Leaves there's this:
"Even though they are usually difficult to calculate, resonance frequencies, also known as eigenfrequencies or natural frequencies, can be easily determined for a perfectly rectangular room with hard smooth walls. The following formula describes the resonance frequencies [⨍] in a room with a length if L, width of W, and hight of H, where the velocity of sound equals c:

Notice that if L, W, and H all equal ∞. ⨍ will equal 0.

That chapter was all about Echos and went on to say:

"Myth makes Echo the subject of longing and desire. Physics makes Echo the subject of distance and design. Where emotions and reason  are concerned both claims are accurate.And where there is no Echo there is no description of space or love. There is only Silence."

But how can i understand the silence? The infinite, Echoless universe? How can i understand all the "Little Infinities" in my life. From You to me, to the god damn dirt under my finger nails. to Why our Parents Fight, why we cry and hate and love. why we believe in god or family or friendship. Why we all don't want to be alone, and why we are all so sad, but still just happy enough.

In House of Leaves, the House Had a way of changing its shape to the occupant's perceptions. It took them days to find the bottom of that stair case, but when they came back the second time it took minutes. The only difference between the two trips was they knew there was a bottom. But still, in the end Will Navidson finds himself falling/floating/rising in the infinite labyrinth of the House. At the end of it all, it was Just him and infinite Darkness. He found no end. But, just before the ground disappeared beneath him, Will Navidson found something/nothing/everything in that House; an answer of the infinite sort. An answer that isn't really an answer at all, to a question that had nothing to do with with the book but everything to do with the book. A question that i may have been the only one asking:

How can you Understand Infinite? 
How Can you understand something that has no limit?

The answer, 

You Can't.


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