Monday, October 29, 2012


The Grand Canyon:

My dreams never align with reality so i try my best to never 
dream them in the fist place. But i'm still struggling with the constant 
"What could be."

 When those thoughts of going to school and get my degree and running off to the edge of nowhere, where i can build homes with what's in my head and my heart and the strength in my bones, I have to hide them away. 

They wont last long out here. 

Hopes are like are pieces of rock i've broken from a sandstone heart.

They'll leave you with nothing but fist-fulls of sand and this desert that you've been lost in since you first wrote it in crayon: 


So I've Given away all my pens and paint brushes. I've flushed all my lottery tickets, burned all my journals and old photographs--i never want to long for something that has come and past again. I threw my Ipod in the river, and drove my car into the lake. I even took the pieces of my motorcycle back to the salvage yard. I deleted all the songs and audio books off my computer; that drag and drop folder and all 628 of my friends on facebook.
All gone, and i hardly feel a thing.

I'm no longer young.

My knees creak.

My back aches.

I'm falling apart.

All i have left to do with my time is let this flood wear me away year after year.

 Now the tourist come from all over.
They stare into that vast expanse where i used to be, and feel so small.

Planes fly over head and pilots will announce my passing underneath them.

Between drinks,
you look out your window and and say, 
"wow, isn't that grand?"


|ˌdesəˈlā sh ən|nouna state of complete emptiness or destruction the stony desolation of the desert. See note at solitude .• anguished misery or loneliness in choked desolation, she watched him leave.ORIGIN late Middle English : from late Latin desolatio(n-), from Latin desolare ‘to abandon’ (see desolate )..

"Don't waste the water. Yeah, don't drink it now."


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